Sunday, May 13, 2012

Well stitches didn't come out as planned, they waited another week. However it still wasn't closed and was weeping. I asked Dr to send me to wound clinic. It's been a week now with some silver looks like Spun cotton, pushed in incision, which by the way is totally open again. Looks like dr just cut me. Never dreamed I would have such Bad Luck. I'm not diabetic! Wondering if I will ever walk again. Dr says I need reconstruction surgery after they close soft tissue. It better heal quick, I don't want him cutting on me again. I now know I'm allergic to certain kinds of sutures.

1 comment:

  1. I have not been checking in with the blog in few months. I guess I was discouraged reading about alot of success stories. On June 4th still in a splint I fell in restroom and ripped the small hole into a large hole and a Z across it. Went to Dr sent me right to surgery to clean it up and culture it. Well you guessed it had puesdamonous and MRSA They kept me in hosp till I told them I'd had enough so they put a PICC line in and sent me home with 5 IV drugs a day, home health and a cast with a door cut out in the back so we could dress it everyday. What a mess. Couldn't be left alone, needed help with IVS and everything else. Still had a business to run from home, couldn't call in sick. After 8 weeks of IVs and all the side effects, I can say I'm staph FREE and finally got casts off for good I hope. Now I have a weird brace to wear inside of a tennis shoe that is 2 sizes larger then I Wear, but I can walk stiff legged. Also have tennitus pretty bad from all the antibiotics and they say its not reversible. Best of all I have scar tissue for a tendon since I was allergic to sutures, they removed them in April. I'll never be right and have a big indention and ugly scar. Its just about healed from inside out. Had been left open for months.
